Wesley Blog

We want our blog to capture life at Wesley and it's community. We want to hear your stories! We'll write it for you or you can write a guest blog piece :)

Creative-minded? We’re looking for young people to get involved. Fancy making content for our website/blog or photographing events? Get in touch with our Web & Social Media Manager if this sounds like you :)

Feb: Thoughts from Huw
Thoughts from Huw Brenda Wallace Thoughts from Huw Brenda Wallace

Feb: Thoughts from Huw

Over Christmas and New year I have been thinking about the ways Jesus changes people and I’ve just read the story of Zacchaeus from Luke Ch19 v1-10. I think Zacchaeus had come along that day in order to see what kind of man Jesus was. Well, by the end of the day he had got a lot more than he bargained for or hoped for.

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Updated Covid Guidance
Coronavirus Brenda Wallace Coronavirus Brenda Wallace

Updated Covid Guidance

Social distancing

There is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face covering. The government suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet.

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Words from Bede Circuit
Bede Circuit Brenda Wallace Bede Circuit Brenda Wallace

Words from Bede Circuit

As we look back over the past month the first verse of hymn 116, Singing the Faith comes to mind.

Sing for God’s glory that colours the dawn of creation”, the sun has been glorious in these short days that are so often dark, the sunsets even better and last week the ‘wolf moon’ was stunning.

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